This video is a demonstration for performing a combination nasal and throat swab procedure.
00:03 Specimen collection should be performed by health care personnel who have completed training and demonstrated competency. Always read the manufacturer’s package insert for specific instructions regarding specimen collection and transport for the type of test kit being used.
00:19 Personal protective equipment (PPE), including a lab coat, mask (surgical, dental, medical procedure, isolation or laser mask), eye protection and gloves should be worn at all times when collecting a respiratory specimen.
00:34 To first collect nasal specimen, check for nasal obstructions
00:42 Open swab package
00:48 To first collect nasal specimen, gently insert the swab into the nostril. Using a gentle rotation, push the swab until a slight resistance is met at the level of the turbinates
00:57 Rotate the swab several times against the nasal wall
01:00 Gently remove swab and perform the test according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
01:06 Next, to collect the throat specimen, instruct the patient to tilt their head back.
01:11 Rub the swab up and down against the back of the throat, avoiding the tongue and cheeks.
01:16 Gently remove swab and perform the test according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
01:22 If the specimen testing is not performed at the point-of-care, refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for transport and storage recommendations. Follow the standard operating procedures of transport and testing for your facility.
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The views and opinions expressed in these videos are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect COPAN’s official policy, recommendation or position. Always read the manufacturer’s package insert for specific instructions regarding specimen collection and transport for the type of test kit being used. Video Rating: / 5
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Dr. Andrew Quoc Dutton Orthopaedic & Sports Clinic
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TST Prep offers additional resources and services for all your TOEFL needs at our official site
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Register to take the TOEFL iBT here –
My name is Josh MacPherson, Head Instructor at TST Prep, where our mission is simple: to help students like you get the TOEFL score you need as quickly and easily as possible.
Need more TOEFL Speaking practice? Check out these videos:
TOEFL Speaking Top 10 Tips –
The TOEFL Speaking Section Explained in 5 Minutes –
Register to take the TOEFL iBT here –
The TOEFL iBT is an academic English test that measures four skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. While ETS TOEFL offers a suite of TOEFL Test options like TOEFL Junior, TOEFL Essentials, and TOEFL Paper Edition, this video will primarily focus on the most popular version of the test, the TOEFL iBT.
You can reach out to us with any question, any time at
Download the PDF version with answer explanations at this link –
Download the TOEFL Speaking 26+ Guide with templates, sample answers, and grading rubrics for free –
TST Prep offers additional resources and services for all your TOEFL needs at our official site
Speaking Evaluations for the TOEFL –
Writing Evaluations for the TOEFL –
Trial lesson for the TOEFL –
Emergency Course for the TOEFL –
Score Builder Course for the TOEFL –
Speaking GROUP classes for the TOEFL-
Writing GROUP classes for the TOEFL –
Reading GROUP classes for the TOEFL –
Listening GROUP classes for the TOEFL –
1-1 lessons for the TOEFL (all sections) –
Register to take the TOEFL iBT here –
This TOEFL Speaking practice test by TST Prep was designed to copy the exact structure and level of difficulty of the real TOEFL.
Not only does this test contain speaking questions just like the TOEFL, but also a downloadable PDF, which includes a grading rubric and sample answers so you can measure your score and understand how to give a high-scoring response.
You can download the complete test here –
My name is Josh MacPherson, Head Instructor at TST Prep, where our mission is simple: to help students like you get the TOEFL score you need as quickly and easily as possible.
And right now, get a pencil and a piece of paper ready because you are about to take a complete TOEFL Speaking test.
Need more TOEFL Speaking practice? Check out these videos:
TOEFL Speaking Top 10 Tips –
The TOEFL Speaking Section Explained in 5 Minutes –
Register to take the TOEFL iBT here –
The TOEFL iBT is an academic English test that measures four skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. While ETS TOEFL offers a suite of TOEFL Test options like TOEFL Junior, TOEFL Essentials, and TOEFL Paper Edition, this video will primarily focus on the most popular version of the test, the TOEFL iBT.
You can reach out to us with any question, any time at
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