Archive for June, 2022

The Batman Roller Coaster accidents at Six Flags

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The Batman roller coaster tragedies tell of two almost identical tragedies over six years apart, this is the tragic story of two highly preventable accidents involving Batman The Ride at Six Flags Amusement Park.


Thumbnail Background Flikr User Thank You (21 Millions+) views.

Batman Coaster footage – ThomasRosieFan

Batwing Coaster Footage – The Coaster Scoop

Kraken Coaster Footage – Amusementinsider

Hyper Coaster Footage – Coaster Hipster

Raptor Inverted Coaster – ElToroRyan

Maxx Force Coaster – CoasterFan15

Barbed wire fence with batman coaster behind – Jeremy Thompson from United States of America, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Six Flags park entrance – Jeremy Thompson via Flickr

Video Thumbnail – BrandonR, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Video Rating: / 5

After Superman: Tower of Power removed a girls feet on june 21st 2007 many were quick to blame the rides manufacture. In reality had the ride operators done their job this accident could have been prevented.


-Giant Drop SFGAm Controls Explained sfgamfan
-accident report (use wayback machine) (used for most of video)
-SFKK failed to comply with intamin inspections, and used a non intamin cable (2003). They also dried out the cable to stop it from slipping, causing more wear and tear.
-Witness statement stating inaccuracies in witness statement and disproving cable around neck theory.
-Pics of the cable.

Videos Used:
Giant Drop SFGAm Controls Explained sfgamfan:
Giant Drop Off Ride:
NL2 Drop tower made by SirMaverick34’s: &
Carowinds drop tower 1080p:
AP interview:

Discord Users who provided Photos/videos:
Phantom Coasters:
Alton Towers Fanboy

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Throat cancer survivor remained positive throughout his treatment

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Damion Smith is known for his deep, resonant voice. So when he lost is voice in June 2016, he decided to visit his doctor and he was diagnosed with laryngitis. But the medications didn’t work, and his voice was getting worse, so he went to an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT). He found a growth on Damion’s left vocal cord and took a biopsy. The biopsy revealed cancer and Damion was referred to MD Anderson where he was diagnosed with throat cancer – specifically, primary squamous cell carcinoma of glottis.

After seven chemotherapy cycles and 35 days of radiation, Damion credits his doctors, nurses and staff for getting him through this tough journey, but also credits keeping a positive attitude.

Read more about Damion’s journey

Request an appointment at MD Anderson by calling 1-877-632-6789 or by completing our online form:

NFL Show Week 6 Injuries

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NFL Show’s Week 6 Injury report from around the league

Source: NFL.Com

Harry running backstage to get Louis a throat lozenge

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Harry running backstage to get Louis a throat lozenge

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